How Can You Make An Impact with Bit of Faith Ranch?
You are crucial to the success of the mission here at Bit of Faith Ranch!
We need passionate, generous individuals like you to come alongside our team working hard at the Ranch every day.
The families we impact are immensely grateful for your contributions.
How can you link arms with us today?

All financial gifts made to Bit of Faith Ranch are tax deductible.

Movie Sponsor
$250 Gift
Movie Sponsors make it possible to provide our monthly “No Hush Movie Outing” by renting out a theater for the families we serve to enjoy a movie outing together in supportive environment.
Your Logo or Name included on the movie sign-up information that is distributed to our database of families
1 mention in the newsletter and social media throughout the year
Barrel Sponsor
$500 Gift
Barrel Sponsors are financial partners that support our adaptive riding seasons, making it possible for riders to come & benefit from equine therapy and spending time in the barn with their peers & mentors.
A sign with your logo or name on a barrel in the riding ring
1 mention in the newsletter and social media throughout the year
Bronze Sponsor
$1,000 Gift
Provides support for a Moms Round Up or Dad’s Meet Up. These are monthly outings for parents and caregivers to enjoy getting out of the house & participating in relaxing or enrichment activities with others who “get it”.
Sign with your logo or name at the Mom’s Round Up or Dad’s Meet Up event
2 mentions in the newsletter and social media throughout the year
Bit of Faith Ranch T-Shirt
Silver Sponsor
$2,500 Gift
You can give support for our "Mustang Program", which gives teenagers and young adults impacted by autism an opportunity to volunteer and learn about horse care and barn work.
Sign with your logo or name displayed at the Ranch during the Mustang Program
2 mention in the newsletter and social media throughout the year
2 Bit of Faith T-Shirts
Gold Sponsor
$5,000 Gift
You can sponsor an entire adaptive riding session for our riders! Adaptive riding is the primary way that children and teenagers impacted by autism and special needs can benefit from Bit of Faith Ranch.
A sign with your logo or name on a barrel in the ring during riding sessions
3 mentions in the newsletter and social media throughout the year
Logo or name included as a partner on our website
2 Bit of Faith Tshirts
Video shoutout
Platinum Sponsor
$10,000 Gift
With a platinum sponsorship, you can choose to direct your gift to the area of the nonprofit you are most passionate about! This can be a general donation, it can be directed to any of the areas listed above, or assigned to another need i.e. purchasing a golf cart for the ranch.
Signage with your logo or name permanently displayed at the Ranch
Quarterly mentions in newsletter and social media as one of our partners
Logo placed on our website as one of our partners
Video shoutout on our social media and on our website
2 Bit of Faith Ranch Tshirts & other swag
Arena Sponsor
$50,000 Gift
Have a big passion for our adaptive riding program and want to make a big impact? You can provide a covered arena for the adaptive riding program! A covered arena would allow our programming to occur uninterrupted by weather.
Naming rights to the arena – your name or company logo will be displayed at the arena.
Mentioned in every newsletter and on our social media quarterly
Logo or Name included on our website as one of our top partners
Video shoutout and feature on our social media page
2 Bit of Faith T-Shirts & swag
